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Get Straighter Teeth Without Braces

Do you find yourself wishing for a straighter smile, but resisting the urge to get the treatment you need to make that dream a reality? It feels contradictory to do so, but, in another way, it makes perfect sense. You want your teeth to be straighter because this means they will be more attractive and that your oral health will be easier to maintain. Straighter teeth give you more confidence and they make a good first impression on others. To get there, though, takes months and months of living with metal brackets glued to your teeth. Or does it?

Invisalign to the Rescue

You may have heard of Invisalign and quickly jumped to the conclusion that the system is just invisible braces. Or you may have assumed that there is no possible way that your teeth could be put into the right alignment by wearing plastic trays over them for a few months. Neither of these theories is correct. Invisalign is not invisible braces; it is a series of nearly invisible plastic aligner trays. These trays are made using digital impressions of your teeth, which are processed in sophisticated imaging software.

At Innovative Dental Concepts, you can consult with an experienced Invisalign dentist in San Ramon to see just how efficient and effective this system is. Patients who are good candidates for Invisalign (which most are) experience benefits such as:

  • Freedom.There is something about having metal brackets cemented onto your teeth for months on end that makes you feel shackled. Through your Invisalign treatment, you wear your aligners most of the time. They can, however, be removed as needed. This enables you to eat without fear of getting food stuck in your wires or teeth.

  • Convenience.Oral hygiene can be a challenge when you must brush and floss with brackets and wires in the way. Removable Invisalign aligners keep you in touch - literally - with your teeth. This maximizes your ability to maintain optimal oral health as you straighten your smile.

  • Comfort.The aligner trays that straighten your teeth do so with gentle force applied through the shape of the aligners themselves, not with the push and pull of an arch-wire. Without angular brackets sticking out from your teeth, the treatment process remains incredibly comfortable.

It's easy to learn more about Invisalign! Just call our office for a consultation.

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