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  • drprkachalia3

Signs Of A Root Canal

Root canals are never a fun experience for anyone who has to go through them. This type of issue can arise from tooth decay or any kind of damage to the tooth. Once that part of the inner tooth is open and exposed, it can cause the nerve endings connected to the root to become infected. In order to prevent any further discomfort or dental issues, your dentist will need to perform a procedure to restore your tooth and make it healthy again. The part of the root that becomes infected normally allows your teeth to feel sensations like extreme cold or hot when you eat or drink something. If a root canal is present, chewing may feel uncomfortable, and your tooth will feel much more sensitive than it typically does. Another thing to look out for is any kind of swelling or bumps around the tooth. This is, once again, a result of the infection underneath the tooth. You may also be able to see visible signs of decay such as discoloration and breakage.

What's The Procedure Like?

The goal of the procedure is to relieve any kind of discomfort that you may be feeling. Choosing not to go through treatment for your root canal can make eating and drinking difficult, and also leave your smile looking uneven if the tooth decay or dark color is not cared for by your doctor. In order to heal the infected tooth, your doctor will clean the infected part of the root and then refilled with gutta-percha; a permanent filling that’s actually made from trees. You can choose to have a local anesthesia administered before the procedure to numb the tooth beforehand, which will make you much more comfortable during the treatment if you’re nervous. However, keep in mind that having the procedure done will leave you feeling much better and relieved either way. Lastly, your dentist will fit a crown on the infected area to give your smile a beautiful, natural looking finish. Continue to stay in touch with your dentist in San Ramon after the procedure is done to update them on how you’re feeling. If you’re still experiencing an unusual amount of discomfort, reach out to them for a follow-up appointment to assess how the root is healing.

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