Your Dental Implants San Ramon Location Talks Tips About this Positive Procedure
If you have a missing tooth, no matter where it is in your mouth, it can cause an immense amount of discomfort or pain while you're eating. There may have to be a change in your diet, which can easily bring negativity into someone's life. But Dr. Kachalia at your Dental Implants San Ramon location can bring back the comfort that you've been missing. Here are some advantages to dental implants.
Not Time Consuming
This isn't a long procedure. If you're getting a tooth extracted, the implant can usually be put in the same day. While you'll certainly have to come back to have your dentist check on your implant to make sure you're taking care of it properly and it's also staying stable, it's all worth it for such short amounts of time spent in the office chair.
Here to Last a Lifetime
While you may think that, because this procedure doesn't take very long, then it shouldn't last very long, but that just isn't true. The implant is made of a small titanium post that's directly placed into the jawbone, which acts as a replacement for the root of the previous tooth.
Comfortable, Confident, and Enjoyable
Life is just going to be easier with these implants! You'll be able to eat and enjoy the foods you were missing if you couldn't eat them before. If you were afraid to smile before in fear of people commenting on your missing tooth, you'll never be able to stop smiling now! And people can tell when your confidence boosts-the energy you radiate will be extremely noticeable.
If you're still not fully convinced about the positive impact that dental implants can have on your life, don't hesitate to call your Dental Implants Sam Ramon location and made an appointment with Dr. Kachalia at (925) 804-6440, or click here to schedule a consultation.